This book tells stories of two people. First is Lena, who is hurting after her boyfriend and best friend betrayed her trust. However most of the story is based around Kate and her life working in a hospital.
Kate’s story was just beautiful; you really got a feel for the surroundings and all the people that Kate knew. Sophie, her best friend was wonderful, and her romance with Rich was almost fairy-tale perfect, I loved how Richard fell into the story with ease.
Kate herself was so down to earth; you really get to know her personality. At times seems so unsure of herself. This is mainly due to her feelings towards Adam.
Adam himself is quite mysterious; you sometimes see parts of the book in his point of view, which helps you dig in deeper to his mind, and gradually you get to understand why he’s sometimes hot and cold towards Kate. When him and Kate are together though, they are so amazing together, you really feel like they are soul mates. T
he twist in the middle of the book took me completely by surprise, and was handled really well. The initial part really put me on the edge of my seat to see if everything would be OK.
With Lena’s story, other than the first chapter of the book you don’t really read much about her, which initially left me wondering why this part was written, but of course, this all comes together in the end, I actually didn’t see it coming and the ending is so touching, beautiful but sad at the same time. The perfect end to the book I think.
Published by: HarperCollins UK, HarperImpulse
Gratefully received from the Publisher for review.
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Thank you so much for reviewing my book, Rachale and it's heartening to hear you liked the ending. I think it's going to be a bit Marmite. 😉